Coding Project

During our class time today, I created my own version of Flappy Bird which can be found here: Almost ten years later I still struggle to score higher than three in Flappy Bird, but it was enjoyable to make my own game.


Computational thinking is an important skill in many subjects such as applied design, skills, and technology, math, and science. All of these subjects require students to use problem solving skills and step by step thinking. For example, when writing a science report, it needs to be written so that someone else can replicate your experiment. Coding provides a hands-on experience to develop these problem-solving skills and step by step thinking. By coding a game and playing your game, you realize how specific you need to be when explaining what happens in each step. If you are too general, your code will not work the way you intend it to. Students who have more experience will be able to create more complex games, but the differentiation allows students at all levels to get something out of coding games. However, if you do not explain how to code properly or find appropriate level guides then students may get frustrated and be reluctant to learn coding later. Some people believe that coding should not be taught at the elementary level as it is not a necessary skill for them to know. I feel like coding should be available as an elective that elementary students can try out and then they can choose to do it for a full semester later in middle or high school if they enjoy it. I do not believe that coding needs to be a main component of the school day but that components of coding such as problem-solving skills should instead be the focus.

A young woman coding on three computer screens.
Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels